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Standard Fonts

When it comes to designing banners and graphics, there are multiple things that should be kept in mind, but foremost important is the best-suited font for the viewers. With only about three to five seconds to grab a person’s attention when the graphic poster or banner comes in contact.

What are the Standard Font Styles We Offer?

Selecting a font that carries your message across quickly is essential for the graphic and banner to be effective with increasing readability. If the viewers find it difficult to read then the profitability also declines on the way of, although there are thousands of different styles to choose from always select the one font that is appropriate to the graphic content. The font choice is endless, but there are a few that are preferred more than others.

Here is worth mentioning those fonts that are favored by the graphic experts


Without any doubt, we can claim that ‘Helvetica’ is the most triggered font that is used in the banner advertisement due to its higher legibility.


This font offers black lettering, for this, you can make your banner more compact to squeeze information on it.


An egress sign, or some other type of fire evacuation plan sign, should also be created and on display. It is ideal if the sign is fireproof.

Times New Roman

When you are willing to add brief or short phrases on the banner then this font will work for you to enhance legibility.


It’s the most usual font used in the poster of movies and other graphic content of religious debate or any stuff related to the serious activity.


It’s the most usual font used in the poster of movies and other graphic content of religious debate or any stuff related to the serious activity.

Arial Black

As one of the most common fonts to use on a banner and posters, this font is great because it’s plain and offer much readability for viewers. However, if you are willing to adjust a lot of words or letters in a smaller banner then this font is not appropriate.


As this font is much preferred for making headings, on top of that it's only available in uppercase so can be used for dragging attention.

What are the Standard Font Styles We Offer?

signage font family
standard signage font family